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Metrics definitions

  • ACAIC Ancestor Class-Attribute Import Coupling
  • ACMIC Ancestors Class-Method Import Coupling
  • AID Average Inheritance Depth of an entity
  • ANA Count the average number of classes from which a class inherits informations
  • CAM Computes the relatedness among methods of the class based upon the parameter list of the methods
  • CBOin Coupling Between Objects of one entity
  • CBOout Coupling Between Objects of one entity
  • CIS Counts the number of public methods in a class
  • CLD Class to Leaf Depth of an entity.
  • cohesionAttributes
  • connectivity
  • CP The number of packages that depend on the package containing entity
  • DAM Returns the ratio of the number of private(protected) Attributes to the total number of Attributes declared in a class
  • DCAEC Returns the DCAEC (Descendants Class-Attribute Export Coupling) of one entity
  • DCC Returns the number of classes a class is directly related to(by attribute declarations and message passing
  • DCMEC Returns the DCMEC (Descendants Class-Method Export Coupling) of one entity
  • DIT Returns the DIT (Depth of inheritance tree) of an entity.
  • DSC Count of the total number of classes in the design
  • EIC the number of inheritance relationships in which superclasses are in external packages
  • EIP the number of inheritance relationships where the superclass is in the package containing entity and the subclass is in another package
  • ICHClass Compute the complexity of an entity as the sum of the complexities of its declared and inherited methods
  • LCOM1 Returns the LCOM (Lack of COhesion in Methods) of an entity
  • LCOM2 Returns the LCOM (Lack of COhesion in Methods) of an entity
  • MFA The ratio of the number of methods inherited by a class to the number of methods accessible by member methods of the class
  • MOA Count the number of data declarations whose types are user defined classes
  • NAD number of attributes declared
  • NADExtended Number of attributes declared in a class and in its member classes
  • NCM Returns the NCM (Number of Changed Methods) of an entity.
  • NCP the number of classes package containing entity
  • NMA Returns the NMA (Number of New Methods) of an entity
  • NMD number of methods declared
  • NMDExtended Number of methods declared in the class and in its member classes
  • NMI Returns the NMI (Number of Methods Inherited) of an entity
  • NMO Returns the NMO (Number of Methods Overridden) of an entity
  • NOA Returns the NOA (Number Of Ancestors) of an entity
  • NOC Returns the NOC (Number Of Children) of an entity
  • NOD Returns the NOD (Number Of Descendents) of an entity
  • NOH Count The number of class hierarchies in the design
  • NOM Counts all methods defined in a class
  • NOP Returns the NOP (Number Of Parents) of an entity
  • NOParam Compute the average number of parameters of methods
  • NOPM Count of the Methods that can exhibit polymorphic behavior
  • PIIR The number of inheritance relationships existing between classes in the package containing entity
  • PP The number of provider packages of the package containing entity
  • REIP EIP divided by the sum of PIIR and EIP
  • RFP the number of class references from classes belonging to other packages to classes belonging to the package containing entity
  • RPII PIIR divided by the sum of PIIR and EIP.
  • RRFP RFP divided by the sum of RFP and the number of internal class references
  • RRTP RTP divided by the sum of RTP and the number of internal class references
  • RTP The number of class references from classes in the package containing entity to classes in other packages
  • SIX Returns the SIX (Specialisation IndeX) of an entity
  • WMC1 Computes the weight of an entity considering the complexity of a method to be unity
  • McCabe McCabe Complexity: Number of points of decision + 1
  • CBO Coupling Between Objects of one entity
  • LCOM5 Returns the LCOM (Lack of COhesion in Methods) of an entity
  • WMC Computes the weight of an entity by computing the number of method invocations in each method

Computing Metrics

Computing POM metrics using PADL is made easy by the helper class pom.helper.MetricsGenerator. After having installed CPL, PADL, and POM, just go into the POM Tests project and have a look at this class. It provides a main method with snippets of code to call one of the three methods:

  • computeMetricsFromDirectory
  • computeMetricsFromEclipse
  • computeMetricsFromJARs

which can be used to compute automatically metrics from various input sources. Also have a look at the constant array listing the metrics that must be computed or avoided: METRICS_TO_AVOID and METRICS_TO_COMPUTE.

pom_faq.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/15 21:40 (external edit)