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Ptidej UI Analyses

This project provides an interface that any graphical analyses, i.e., analysis that want to access and-or change the graphical representation of a PADL model, must implement: ptidej.ui.analysis.IUIAnalysis. It also includes popular such analyses:

  • ptidej.ui.analysis.repository.DifferenceHighlighterFromClasses that can compare two models and create a new graphical representation that highlights differences at the class-level between the two models (with colour coding to express added and removed classes);
  • ptidej.ui.analysis.repository.DifferenceHighlighterFromMethods that can compare two models and create a new graphical representation that highlights differences at the method-level between the two models (with colour coding to express added and removed methods).
ptidej_ui_analyses.1392538054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/15 21:40 (external edit)