===== Guide to comment in the code of PTIDEJ Project =====
While contributing to the project, you may encounter issues that you could ask help from colleagues, with that in mind, a tool to create issues automatically in the github PTIDEJ repository was made.
It will read and generate title, tags, descriptions and semantics automatically in the following order:
=====1 - The first line of comment is always the following=====
=====2- To continue to create the issue of step 1, keep using // in the next lines without real code of the class=====
// same issue comment
// same issue comment
=====3 - Issues are created by files, so different "// TODO" in same file and SEPARATED by at least ONE LINE REAL OF CODE will be in the same issue but different section=====
==One TODO==
// TODOx`
// something
// something else
==Two TODO==
// something
// something else
==Three TODO==
// something of issue 1
// something of the issue 2
// something of the issue 3
// something else of the issue 3
====Next steps are optional but highly encouraged to give the issues FAST DESCRIPTION and a precise TITLE====
=====4- To generate extra information to make a precise tittle and description, inside any TODO, you can add certain codes in the middle of the comment to create context to the issue reader=====
==Example 1==
@#ADD_METHOD = "Here needs to add this method some_method()"
// @#ADD_METHOD some_method()
==Result of example 1 in FAST DESCRIPTION==
- The method some_method() needs to be added
==Result of example 1 in the TITLE==
Some_Library on File_Name.java -> 1 Add Method
==Result of example 1 TITLE if not used the @#ADD_METHOD==
Some_Library on File_Name.java
=====5- Following are all the ID's for these codes, what they mean and how to use respectively=====
==If the ID code has a @#END_, any text in the middle of the start and the @#END_, will be used in the description==
=="Here needs to add this method"==
@#ADD_METHOD something_method()
=="Here needs to remove this method"==
@#REMOVE_METHOD something_method()
=="Here needs to add this constant"==
=="Here needs to remove this constant"==
===@#FIX_BUG / @#END_BUG===
==Need to fix the bug: "description of the bug" ==
@#FIX_BUG description of the bug @#END_BUG
==Need to improve performance: "description of performance issue" ==
@#IMPROVE_PERFORMANCE description of performance issue @#END_PERFORMANCE
==Need to refactor the code: "description of what to refactor " ==
#REFACTOR_CODE description of what to refactor @#END_REFACTOR
=="Here needs to update the dependency library_name"==
@#UPDATE_DEPENDENCY library_name
=="Need to add documentation: 'description of what needs documenting'"==
@#ADD_DOCUMENTATION description of what needs documenting @#END_DOCUMENTATION
=="Need to remove deprecated code: 'description of deprecated code'"==
@#REMOVE_DEPRECATED description of deprecated code @#END_DEPRECATED
=="Need to handle an error case: 'description of error'"==
@#HANDLE_ERROR description of error @#END_ERROR
===@#ADD_TEST / @#END_TEST===
=="Need to add a test case: 'description of test case'"==
@#ADD_TEST description of test case @#END_TEST
====Following is a link of a sample of a issue generated using step 5====
[[https://github.com/agadfs/Git_PTIDEJ_Issue_Organizer/issues/121|Sample issue]]
=====Known bugs=====
===If the step 5 is used to generate the title, and inside a comment is used more than one same Id, if a "// TODO" is not used before every next same Id, will not count towards the title===
==Example 1==
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 4 @#END_REFACTOR
// the one above was added in the title
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 5 @#END_REFACTOR
// the one above was added in the title
==Title output of example 1==
Testing on ProxyDisk.java -> 2 Refactor Codes
==Example 2==
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 4 @#END_REFACTOR
// the one above was added in the title
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 5 @#END_REFACTOR
// will not be added to the title
==Title output of example 2==
Testing on ProxyDisk.java -> 1 Refactor Codes
==Example 3==
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 4 @#END_REFACTOR
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 5 @#END_REFACTOR
// only the first one counted here
// @#REFACTOR_CODE Handle a uniform encoding? 6 @#END_REFACTOR
==Title output of example 3==
Testing on ProxyDisk.java -> 2 Refactor Codes