Table of Contents


MoDeC is an instrumentor, invoker, and meta-model to collect and model execution traces of Java programs.

Required Projects

To instrument Java programs, extract their execution traces, model these traces as sequence diagrams, and identify occurrences of behavioural and creational design motifs in these traces, you must download and install the following projects:

- MoDeC Bytecode Instrumentation (and MoDeC Bytecode Instrumentation Tests) deals with the instrumentation of the bytecodes of the Java programs for which to collect execution traces (called target Java program).

- MoDeC Invoker allows to simply calls the instrumented Java programs (i.e., to run the instrumented bytecodes of the target Java program.

- MoDeC Metamodel provides a meta-model of the execution traces produced by the MoDeC Bytecode Instrumentation and provides a parser to instantiate the MoDeC meta-model to obtain models of execution traces.

- MoDeC Solver (and MoDeC Solver Tests) defines constaints and problems to identify occurrences of behavioural and creational design motifs in the MoDeC models of execution traces.

MoDeC Usage

Here are the three main steps to gather execution traces of some target Java program and identify occurrences of behavioural and creational design motifs in their MoDeC models.